Wednesday, July 13, 2011

“Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year.”

I have all intentions of updating this blog in a somewhat regular schedule when I arrive abroad.  It was brought to my attention that I should update this blog again regardless of my travel status.  I can only assume this is for my friends who follow my ramblings for their own amusement, however perverse their taste in entertainment may be.

I have been scrambling a bit to get my personal effects in order before I leave, to my knowledge I have gotten everything taken care of.

     -Passport w/ terrible, creepy photo that makes me look like a smuggler
     -Visa Stamp, this is actually a sticker which makes me feel like I've accomplished something.  If only it had a shiny gold star on it...
     -Copy of "Korean for Dummies"
     -Towel (shout out to any "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" readers"

I am quite positive that I have missed something, but nothing that I can't smile my way out of.  Right?

A few of my friends have expressed concern that even though my contract is for 6 months I will end up spending years abroad.  Is this such a bad thing?  Come and visit!  If I had a friend in an exotic location I would crash on their couch until I was getting not so subtle hints that I should hit the trail.  

I have 13 blank pages in my passport, I have every intention of making them less blank.

It is my belief and experience that one of the most potent forms of learning involves me falling on my face, embracing the situation and making note of things for future reference.

“The only real failure in life is the failure to try.”