Sunday, December 30, 2012

Atypically Normal

Another year finishes and another starts.  How will I look back on my life 12 months from now?  What will I have learnt?  Onward!

School life:  A "State of Mind"

A year ago I dreaded this class, now they are my favorite class some days.  My high octane 3rd grade kiddies!

Add "hamster" to the list of animals that I have had come to my English Class.
So nice to see these Kindergardeners get a chance to play and learn at the same time.

The brain is fascinating, I love to see it work grow with my students.  This aspect of educational psychology is almost magical to see at work.  It would not be profound to say that adults and children do not think alike, but I remind myself of this everyday.  Nothing is more satisfying to me than watching a student "climb" the mental scaffolding and produce a new and greater understanding by their own intellectual means.  I have a few professors to thank for showing me this avenue of metacognition to explore.  I was trained in school to "think" like an adult.  But, as a teacher of children, I must learn again think as a child...  At the risk of opening some sort of learning psych paradox, I feel strongly that I need to learn and experience more with this. 

Life Life: Atypically Normal

Risk: "Hours of fun, resentment until the next time we play"
It seems like I do as much hiking in the winter as a do in the other 3 season... Just as well, less crowded. 
Getting my x-mas sweets fix, and spreading the joy of apricot cookies around the world. 
Keeping busy isn't really a problem, I am happy to be able to spend my free time doing things with some wonderful people.  It brings a healthy balance to my life, as teaching can have some very exhausting moments.  

Snow: Wut?

Oh it's snowing again?  Must be Friday...
Almost with clockwork-like precision, it has snowed every Friday in December.  This is after I have described winter in Korea as "Cold, but Sunny.  No snow... Definitely no snow at all." many dozens of times.  Sigh, the only thing constant about the weather is its inconsistency.  

People: See you when I see you

Here is to a stellar 2013.