Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Something witty goes here...

My 2 year anniversary of coming to Korea came and passed in early August, I was teaching English Camp so I didn't get too nostalgic.  I did have a few moments of nostalgia when I returned to Korea University at Jochiwon (the place of my TaLK orientation and many of my first memories of Korea).  I was in Jochiwon to give lectures to the incoming generation of scholars, it felt weird walking into the dorm as a speaker and not as someone who is brand new to Korea.
Fact:  Name tags make people feel important.
It was a lot of preparation designing my lecture and presentation, but in the end I think I am a better teacher because of it.  In total I gave 10 lectures, and I never had a problem having time left over (I guess I am pretty good at talking).  I enjoyed giving the talks and presentation, it was good to be a performer again.
All professional-like

View from the other side of the lecture hall.
Walking from the Dorm to the Lecture Building made me think of who I was two years prior and who I was at that moment.  I also thought about where I might be two years from now... but I stopped because I have to treasure this brief period of my summer when I don't have to think about what is going to happen after this contract. 

I heard somewhere that this summer has been one of the hottest in Korea for some time.  I don't doubt this, it has been in the 90's nearly every day for all of August.  The government is on a energy saving campaign lately which includes limiting the temperature I can run the A/C in my classroom at (something like 28 C or ~82 F) which is just a tease.  Long story short, I haven't stopped sweating since May.
No energy saving in my apt. 
Even though it has been scorching I have still found time to enjoy a bit of camping, most recently in Deokyusan Nat. Park.  With a crew of Gumi Bears and others we made a road trip out into the less crowded part of Korea (well... after a bit of searching as the main campground was swamped with many other people who had the same idea of camping as we did).  We found a nice spot along a river and spent the weekend eating, drinking, and soaking.

No people, just nature... and cicadas 
I can't mention camping without mentioning an earlier trip do Namhae Island, a true road trip to the south sea.  Check out a nice compilation of the trip that my friend put together.

After all, this is what summer is really about.
All of this is made possible by my car, which has performed admirably.  Although after 7 months of driving in Korea I would say that I still haven't gotten used to the amount of numbskull moments I witness while driving.  Though, it is convenient for the act of getting away from it all. 

Getting away.

Quaint Waegwan on one of the cooler evenings this summer.
Life is good, things are going well.  Looking forward to Fall.

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